Cara Lamakina, MS, RD, LDN
MS in Nutrition and Health Education, Registered Dietitian, Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified Plant-Based Nutritionist
I’ve had a lifelong interest in food’s role as medicine and am amazed at its ability to heal. I’m also aware of the many challenges we face with our food environment and that change isn’t easy. If you’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition that requires lifestyle modification, that can feel overwhelming. Or if you’ve struggled for a long time with improving your health with little success, you may be hesitant to try one more thing. But as your Team Y Coach, I am here for you! Whatever your goals are, we’ll help you take that first step, and support you where you are with sensible, realistic recommendations and practical guidance. I am looking forward to our journey together. Changing habits takes time, but with each other’s support and little steps each day, we can do this!
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Habits Coaches