NASM Certified Personal Trainer / NCEP Certified Personal Trainer / CrossFit Certified Trainer / AFAA Group Exercise Certified / IFBB Physique Pro Athlete / Technical Consultant for Muscle & Fitness Magazine / American Gladiator Champion
A former Police Academy Drill Instructor, Corrections Officer and Bounty Hunter, I have 30 years of experience in the fitness industry. As your personal Team-Y Coach, I will share my passion for high intensity, functional and safe workouts — whether it’s bodybuilding, power lifting or cardio strength training — with you. Working together, we’ll transform your body and strengthen your mind so you can bring your strength and inner power to everything you do.
After you’ve taken my strength training class, I recommend that you focus on stretching and complementary muscles exercises. Here are some of my favorites, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Foam Rolling Recovery with Christy

Cardio Core with Liz

Rezist with Arianna

HIIT with Tracy
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